Order of Rankings: (From highest to lowest)


Guildmaster –  Highest Ranked Member and head of council if exists.

Lawgiver – Second in command only to the guildmaster – Vice-reagent if council exist.

Master of the Rose – Head of the Rose faction of the guild. – Member of high council

Master of the Sword – Head of the Sword faction of the guild. – Member of high council.

Master of Runes – Head of the Rune faction of the guild. – Member of high council.


The head of the three factions will answer only to the Lawgiver or the Guildmaster but not to each other, as they will be of equal rank. In the case of any disputes between the three, a two thirds majority will rule. If no decision can be made for whatever reason then the issue will be presented to the lawgiver for clarification. He will then discuss it with the Guildmaster if need be.


Each faction will have the following ranks:


Rose Faction:


-          Knight of the Rose

-          Knight of Storms

-          Knight of Winter Winds

-          Knight of Spring Rains

-          Knight of Compassion


Sword Faction:


-          Knight of the Sword

-          Knight of Valor

-          Knight of Battle

-          Knight of Tactics

-          Knight of Defense


Runes Faction:


-          Knight of Runes

-          Knight of Knowledge

-          Knight of Scrolls

-          Knight of Literature

-          Knight of Learning


Each faction will serve a different purpose within the guild.


Rose Faction will serve the people. Spread the influence among those uninitiated and recruit new members. They will be the heart of the guild.


Sword faction will be the protectors. These knights will be in charge of the defense of the guild and of seeking out evil and destroying it when possible.


Rune faction will be the intellect. They will be the record keepers, idea generators, cartographers, recipe guardians and treasurers.



Before applying to join a faction there will be a few levels which must be completed.


Knight – Highest level before joining a faction

Soldier – Rank given before knight.

Squire – Starting point for anyone allowed to joined the guild.


In order to join the guild, you must travel with and accompany a member to the guildhouse where you will be made a member of the guild. The title of squire will be given to new recruits by the guild master at the earliest possible occasion. Please ensure that the option on the top right hand side of the guildstone menu is turned on so that your title will appear once bestowed.


More on each level and the requirements for advancement will be given in their own section.